Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Judys Travels

This is a tentative schedule. We will update her itinerary as events are confirmed.

January 21st
8:30 AM Our Savior’s Lutheran Church Salem, Oregon
11:00 AM Worship at Christ the Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
Salem, Oregon Pastor John Maas
Lunch with High School and Young Adults
Evening Cluster gathering of local churches Faith Lutheran
Church, 930 SW Queen Avenue, Albany, Oregon
Contact: 541 928-7660

January 23rd Evening Trinity Lutheran Church, Vancouver, Oregon

January 24th Late Morning Salem Pastor’s Study Group
7:00 PM Worship Our Saviour’s, Salem, Oregon

January 25th 7:00 PM Creator Lutheran Church, Sumner, Washington

January 26th 6:30 PM Cross and Crown Lutheran Church
Renton, Washington
Dinner and Worship at 8:00 PM
Pastor Glen Aaburg Contact: 425 255-5910

January 27th Noon Calvary Lutheran Church
Federal Way, Washington

January 28th 8:30 AM Bethlehem Lutheran Church
10:00 AM Marysville, Washington
11:15 AM

January 29th 1:00 PM Northwest WA Synod Office
Visit with Bishop Chris Boerger
7:00 PM Morningstar Lutheran Church
Monroe, Washington

January 31st 10:10 AM California Lutheran University Chapel

February 4th PM California Lutheran University Chapel

April 21st Buffalo, New York